I was thinking whether you could help me out with your suggestions.
The passenger put it, "In the past few hours, you have asked me whether I needed help or not for twelve times in all."
This will help you to decide whether you really need to read the whole book or only certain parts of it.
Before you ask someone for help, find out whether he is the right person for your problem.
This can help you determine whether one person, for instance, expects half your time—and whether the other three expect that as well.
In this column I'll discuss the criteria to help you evaluate whether agile development suits your organization.
But whether you keep your scripts simple or enhance them, the automation will help you to implement SSL quickly, easily, and consistently.
Table 1 describes elements that can help you determine whether an initiative should be structured as a program.
The test cases presented in this article can help you proactively determine whether your transaction manager is resilient to certain kinds of failures in enterprise systems.
Before initiating any kind of move, look for body language clues such as prolonged eye contact to help you work out whether you'll get a positive response.
This will help you assess whether the therapy is having the desired outcome, or whether it may be causing unwanted side effects.
These tools collect much information to help you determine whether your system is in good performance shape, including data on request response times, processor utilization, and more.
Therapy can also help you discover whether you may have an eating disorder, which is sometimes connected to emotional eating.
It is intended to help you determine whether or not you actually have an idea that is worth something.
Lousy answers-answers that won't help you decide whether or not the candidate is going to be right for the job.
A difference report can help you decide whether a given set of code changes is covered well enough by existing tests or requires that new tests be written.
Whether or not you know how to code (and whether or not the development team knows this), you can be a true leader and help facilitate the process.
Whether you need help building an SQL database on a SAN or must learn how to implement the latest hardware changes, IBM has a wealth of knowledge that can help.
Reading this article should help you decide whether you should further pursue learning Node to use in your own business.
That will give you a better idea of what you're actually getting from Shale, and it will help you evaluate whether it's worth making the jump to this next-generation framework.
When you check whether help is the relevant command option for the program (this is what vmap.count (" help ") does), the options object is dumped to cout.
当您检查help是否为程序的恰当命令行选项(这是vmap . count (“ help ”)所做的工作)时,options对象将被转储到cout。
Which brings us to the sticky question of whether you should give your friend money to help out with living expenses.
The advice is more than just how to network or prepare a network, but provides some great exercises that help you understand whether or not the organization is a good match for you.
The next two lists are general checklists to help you determine whether your configuration is stable.
The tests should cover features important enough to help you judge whether the product is stable enough to enter the next development phase.
This can help you determine whether or not tuning needs to be done to your application to either help stop the paging or to tune your operating system.
New way: Get some help from people around you: whether this is your spouse, friend or colleague, ask them to "monitor" you.
Have you identified any questions that help you decide whether or not to keep a particular possession?
The modules are designed to introduce the product and help you decide whether you want to explore it further.
The modules are designed to introduce the product and help you decide whether you want to explore it further.