There has been a lot of confusion about which is the more important to lower, and if you speak to people, they still believe it's diastolic.
But these are also important for the 30% of his income that is fee-based, which is more constant than interest income.
The next section introduces User modeling, which is an important step once the decision to automate one or more Business Workers is made.
This data is important because it shows which new tests should be written to test those areas of the kernel, leading to a kernel that is more thoroughly tested.
Now which is more important - the health of your cells or the health of your body?
On another dimension, ask which is more important: the format and layout of the site or the ease of making changes as needed.
The fifth is about answering questions, which is an important part, sometimes even more important than the speech itself.
第五个是关于回答问题。 回答问题是演讲过程中特别重要的环节,有时甚至比演讲本身还重要。
This is extremely important to my laptop, which is only offering me the response options of: More Details, Start Upgrade or Remind me Later.
More important, the incident is perhaps the only recorded occasion in which Ferguson, the embodiment of both an irresistible force and an immovable object, has allowed himself to be told what to do.
I believe that the way in which smart people interact with and contribute to a team is often more important than the technology being regarded.
But the growth of peacekeeping operations, in which showing the flag to the locals is an important tactic, means that road-friendly vehicles are becoming more desirable.
First the network connection must be established which in this case means network layer connection (which we assume is provided) and more important the SSL handshake.
Unlike alligators, which are far more numerous, each crocodile is considered important to preserving the species, he said.
The eye movements are jumping "all over the place" and users try to understand which areas are more important and where the content he or she is looking for is probably placed.
Heart is no more than an important organ whereas the inner world constitutes a landscape, which gradually takes its shape under the continuous influence from the outside world.
The main purpose of this chapter and the one that follows is to help build your intuition about programming and problem solving, which is far more important in the long run.
Notably, the dieters who attended more counseling sessions lost a little bit more, which may support the notion that behavior is more important than diet alone.
This much is uncertain: the future of the mines which supply this gold, an even more important factor in gold shortage arguments.
Delivering structured information in a generic format that is independent of how that information is being used is even more important in XML, which is not limited to the realm of documentation.
One is artificial meat, which is made in a giant VAT, and the other is nanotechnology, which is expected to become more important as a vehicle for delivering medication to livestock.
It is a fascinating story, which will become more interesting and more important in the years to come.
Content is more important than the design which supports it.
However, BIPV does have the advantage of being more aesthetically pleasing, which is important to consumers, she says.
Nothing is more important then the right habits which will cause success.
We're often ignoring the ultimately more important resource, which is time.
There is, however, another element possessed by the best work, which is even more important as a source of happiness than is the exercise of skill. This is the element of constructiveness.
More important, these regions included the suprachiasmatic area, which is home to the body's circadian clock.
Also, and this is an important point, it's very possible that the task for which you've chosen to use SOAP could be accomplished more easily using XML-RPC.
同样,并且这是很重要的一点,使用XML -RPC完成任务要比您选择使用SOAP更容易,这是很有可能的。
Which makes it all the more important to ask whether America's approach is the right one.
Which makes it all the more important to ask whether America's approach is the right one.