The detailed study, which was conducted by 10 institutions including universities and the World Wildlife Fund, was built on a preparatory study published last month.
The study, which was conducted by researchers at Royal Holloway, the University of London, University College London and Oxford University, is published in the journal Evolution.
Successfully completed the all-year work I was in ged with, and smoothly passed the assessment of unknown sample which was conducted by the Yangtze Water Environment Monitoring Center.
The survey was conducted by a group of researchers, which was about the quality of students' sleep.
The phone survey of 515 Canadians and 515 Americans was conducted on behalf of Canadian Club Whisky, which is owned by Illinois-based Beam Global Spirits &Wine Inc and part of Fortune Brands Inc.
该调查受“加拿大俱乐部威士忌”的委托,分别对加拿大和美国的各515名受访者进行了电话访问。 “加拿大俱乐部威士忌”隶属位于美国伊利诺斯州的BeamGlobal酒业集团,是“财富品牌”集团旗下的一个品牌。
The report was conducted by the National Center for transgender Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, which surveyed 6, 450 Americans who were transgender or non-gender conforming.
Art experts have warned that Cai could be subject to civil and even criminal charges for submitting a fraudulent bid in the auction, which was conducted anonymously by telephone.
The research, which appears in the Journal of Family psychology, was conducted by Galena Rhoades, senior researcher, Scott Stanley, research professor, and Howard Markman, professor of psychology.
这份刊登在家庭心理学杂志上的研究,是由Galena Rhoades高级研究人员、ScottStanley研究教授、和Howard Markman心理学教授共同完成的。
Testing was conducted by the US Naval Medical Research Unit (NAMRU-3), which is based in Cairo.
Thee study was conducted by the Lindeman's Wine and book Club which will be holding events at Oxfam bookshops nationwide.
The report was conducted by The National Center for Transgender Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, which surveyed 6,450 Americans who were transgender or non-gender conforming.
The survey was conducted by accommodation group Thistle Hotels, which asked 2000 people about their regular holiday peeves.
The poll was conducted over the Internet by Knowledge Networks, which initially contacted people using traditional telephone polling methods and followed with online interviews.
The KTX-II, which was designed and manufactured by Hyundai Rotem, will go through a test running process for 6 months, conducted by KORAIL (Korea Railroad).
有现代罗特姆设计制造的的KTX - II将由韩国铁路(KORAIL)进行为期6个月的试运行。
An experiment was conducted using gas chromatography to study then-alkanes in No. 20 diesel oil, which was degraded by the natural strains of microorganisms from the Bohai Sea.
Method The clinical and pathological analysis was conducted on 8 cases of the gastric Schistosomiasis, which were diagnosed by gastroscope.
Study was conducted to evaluate the effect of stress, which is caused by chase and ram on the innate defense activity of spot tail bass.
The survey was conducted throughout October by holiday website to identify which of the selected countries treated tourists in the most hospitable way.
Second, by way of examining the practical situation, it considered that cultural quality education, which was isolatedly conducted without cultivation…
This study was conducted to observe the shapes of the particles in infusion solution which had commonly used drugs in by using a scanning electric microscope.
Entrusted by equipment's customer, an accident investigation and summary was conducted for a steam pressure pipeline which acrosed the highway and railway.
Meanwhile, in this thesis, the system performance test, was also introduced, which is conducted by using a professional testing tool and a simple analysis about the test result also introduced.
First aid was conducted among 43.0% of the injured children, most of which were done by their mothers.
The research was conducted to reveal the regular of resistance to sheath blight and chitinase activities of 13 transgenic rice lines which modified by chitinase gene and other anti-fungal genes.
The research was conducted to reveal the regular of resistance to sheath blight and chitinase activities of 13 transgenic rice lines which modified by chitinase gene and other anti-fungal genes.