In a large, heavy pot, combine the cabbage soup ingredients, except the raisins, and bring them to a boil over medium-high heat while preparing the meatballs.
One of the POTS had a crack in it, and while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water.
The Mongolians like drinking hot tea, so they usually drink the tea while eating Fried rice in the morning and leave the pot on the fire.
The pot is simple and smooth in shape, while the three knobs on the top break the regular shape of POTS. The patterns in the body of the pot look as if they were flowing and dancing.
Friends and family sit around a pot of boiling broth, dropping meat, vegetables and other ingredients in to cook and absorb the flavors. While the food cooks, diners chat and socialize.
One pot had a crack in it while the other was perfect.
One pot had a crack in it while the other was perfect.