Explanation: One of the brightest supernovas in recent years has just been recorded in the nearby Whirlpool galaxy (M51).
The Whirlpool galaxy (M51) by Ken Mackintosh shows the Whirlpool galaxy slowly devouring its smaller neighbour. It won the Best Newcomer award.
In the case of the Whirlpool Galaxy, above, you can see exactly where along its great spiral arms it's presently forming stars, just from this red glow of the hydrogen!
Therefore, sky enthusiasts are encouraged to image the Whirlpool galaxy as often as possible to fill in time gaps left by intermittent observations made by the world's most powerful telescopes.
The Andromeda galaxy burns like a blazing whirlpool in the most detailed infrared picture yet of our nearest full-size galactic neighbor, released Wednesday.
仙女座星云- - - - - -银河中距离地球最近的星云- - - - - -在大多数精细的远红外线照片中犹如一个燃烧的漩涡,发表于星期三。
The Andromeda galaxy burns like a blazing whirlpool in the most detailed infrared picture yet of our nearest full-size galactic neighbor, released Wednesday.
仙女座星云- - - - - -银河中距离地球最近的星云- - - - - -在大多数精细的远红外线照片中犹如一个燃烧的漩涡,发表于星期三。