The rest of August was taken up with bill signings, the party conventions, and a positive development in Whitewater World.
Even conservative Republicans who lived in the real world, as opposed to Whitewater world, knew the independent counsel had gone too far.
Whitewater World was still alive and well in May, as Kenneth Starr, despite his defeat in the Susan McDougal trial, pursued his case against Julie Hiatt Steele.
Dr. Covey compares being in the world today to being in permanent whitewater: "We live in a constant, churning, changing environment.
Covey 把当今世界比作永久性的湍流:“我们生活在一个不断搅动变化的环境中。
It boasts the longest artificial whitewater-rafting course in the world (one mile, but with the assumption that you go around several times on each trip).
It boasts the longest artificial whitewater-rafting course in the world (one mile, but with the assumption that you go around several times on each trip).