Hello! Who are you looking for?
Yes. Who are you looking for again?
Who's calling, please?Who are you looking for?
Hi, Professor Archer, you know how in class last week you said that you were looking for students who are interested in volunteering for your archeology project?
In short, you are looking for anyone who can communicate your experience, skills, integrity, professionalism, and can-do attitude to any potential employer.
So how do you find someone who's up for the experience? Well, it can help to target those who are already looking.
If you are looking for information on a specific country or a WHO region, visit the corresponding WHO regional office web site.
As any American who is still looking for work or a way to pay their bills will tell you, we are by no means out of the woods.
It seems to be on everyone's lips — all those millions of people just like you who are looking for a new job.
A bad boy son who survives all the risk-taking behaviour to reach reproductive age may make you a granny many times over, but are you really looking for quantity over quality?
You should wear trail shoes if you are a runner who frequently runs off-road, and are looking for rugged shoes with great outsole traction and some weather - and water-resistant qualities.
But after I mentioned this E-mail in the comments of our previous discussion, I received many requests to share the information. I hope it's useful to those of you who are looking for better sleep!
For those of you who use FriendFeed and are looking for even more information bombardment in your lives, you can now receive every update via instant message.
Objective: The objectives section gives recruiters an immediate sense of who you are and what you're looking for, without forcing them to wade through the entire resume.
What you are now looking for is someone who can deliver a global product, seamlessly at a quality standard.
If you are looking for work or a promotion speak to those who are decision makers.
That season, sky clear, streams of people busily coming and going in the crowd, I do not know you are looking for who, one eye, is a million years.
You are the girl who I have looked(have been looking) for.
I have a dream that I can share this nice feeling with my soul mate together, and you are the one who I am looking for!
Know there is 1000 who are looking for you but trust me I Love you more then any one. So please come please come back my Moon my life.
If you are looking for an employee who can really use English, you have to get someone who can use English to vouch the English ability of the applicant.
Odds are that the salesgirl looking at you funny is more worried about how fat she looks in her sales pants or how messy her hair is than what you're buying and who you're buying it for.
Of course, there's no holding back for people who are more than friends, and you will see passionate kisses exchanged openly in public as if no one else was looking.
Of course, there's no holding back for people who are more than friends, and you will see passionate kisses exchanged openly in public as if no one else was looking.