Who are you now with your love gone…
I have now come to realize that being boring, in actuality, is not only about who you are as a person, but also how you present yourself.
I promise you there are children in your community right now who need a safe place to land.
The king said, "My dear, the gold is mine, but now the gold is yours, because you are the only person who has learnt the lesson I want to teach my people.
Now that you know who they are and what motivates them, think about the influencers in your organization.
Now feel who you are in this great, divine flow: one spark of light within an ocean of living awareness, but an indestructible spark who offers a unique contribution to the whole.
Now let's dig a little deeper into transparency, or being open about what you do and who you are.
Paul told the Thessalonians, "Now we ask you, brothers, to respectthose who work hard among you, who are over you in the Lord and whoadmonish you.
The result is that if you are from Shanghai or another urban area, you probably have decent housing now. However, people who move to Shanghai from other cities can't find adequate housing.
Now ask yourself a different question: How many of you have either parents or family members who are diabetic?
But now you are trying to kill me and a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God, that's not what Abraham did.
From now on, you'll be traveling the road between who you think you are and who you can be.
Even though you are still who you used to be, now after ten years, you have lost the purity and romance of love. You have become a benefit union.
So there are a number of changes that are being made right now that will make those of you who have health insurance more secure with the insurance they have.
For those of you who use FriendFeed and are looking for even more information bombardment in your lives, you can now receive every update via instant message.
Now, there are many –and yes, I speak to those of you who feel the shadow of doubt in your heart. Do not doubt yourself.
Now we come to the question of how to authenticate the partner who you are exchanging information with.
A fan who said he was a physics teacher from Iraq gushed: "You are now my Scientific Father."
AM: Who are you reading right now?
Think of someone in your life right now (maybe not the most extreme person) who you are absolutely holding a grudge against right now.
You are able to disagree now because people who saw that argument as faulty set out to make a better argument and proved it.
Focus on where you are, what you're doing and who you're with right now.
After all, I haven't lived as long as many of you who are reading this right now.
You have now manifested in bodily form, located in time and space, but there is so much more to who you are.
Now you can only view and add friends who are already signed up to that service.
Now you can only view and add friends who are already signed up to that service.