Who really seriously? Who is who?
So we have the order and know who is who.
Anonymous resolution determines "Who is Who" and "Who knows Who" anonymously.
Now such a society, no who the who, only who is who crammed big squeeze small, weak-strong crowd were all taken for granted.
Within each group they know or have heard of who is who, assess each others' ability, and play the competitive game of performance ranking.
It is unfair to bracket together those who cannot work with those who will not.
The study warns that it is teenagers who engage in all three of these practices in the extreme who are truly in jeopardy.
No matter who he is or who he wants to be, she accepts it.
Of all the ladies in the land, who is fairest, tell me, who?
It is believed that those who offer a hand to those who are in need are more likely to have a sense of achievement.
Remember I asked you from the preface, John Ray's preface, to figure out who Dolly Schiller is, who dies in childbed.
The person who bought the house or moved is the one who throws the panty.
As always, there are the power worshippers, especially among historians, who are predisposed to admire whatever is strong, who feel more attracted to the might of Rome than to the subtlety of Greece.
You whine to anyone who wants to hear—and many who don't—about how crappy your job, life and boss is.
But what often distinguishes those who land jobs from those who don't is their ability to stay motivated.
In 'the man who came', 'who' is a relative pronoun and 'who came' is a relative clause.
You want a husband who is solid and stable, someone who will devote himself to you.
"Hello!" the voice said, more peremptorily. "Who is it? Who do you want?"
A person who avoids exercise is more likely to have illnesses than one who exercises regularly.
There is also very little detail on who will provide the funds or, importantly, who is responsible for their provision.
We have come to believe that someone who has more educational merit badges, who is very good at some form of school discipline is "intelligent".
Who can trust someone who is dishonest or unfair?
"Maybe we should spend less money trying to figure out who is better than who," he said, suggesting that some more equal dividing up of money might be more productive and more efficient.
Imagine a person who is about the right weight, but does not eat very nutritious foods, who feels OK but exercises only occasionally, who goes to work every day.
Those who play contact sports know that the player who usually gets hurt the most is the one who is standing still.
As prescribed by Dryden, tragedy was supposed to concern a heroic man who is a public figure and who undergoes a fall that evokes pity from the audience.
As prescribed by Dryden, tragedy was supposed to concern a heroic man who is a public figure and who undergoes a fall that evokes pity from the audience.