If a child says to his mother, "I love you, Mommy", it's a very unusual parent who would say, "Oh, no. The verb agreement is mistaken."
Fisher, a biological anthropologist, says she wrote her latest book because she wanted to uncover the science behind "why you love who you love and perhaps even help people find the one".
"That's crazy. Of course not," her husband says: "I'd love you no matter who left you the money."
You have some scholars who use this text to say, well even in spite of what Paul says in Romans 13, Paul doesn't have any great love in his heart for Rome.
“What I love most, ” she says, “is seeing someone come in who is reluctant to use a sewing machine, and then a couple of weeks later you see them showing other people how to use it.”
"And know you not, " says Love, "Who bore the blame?"
"And know you not", says Love, "who bore the blame?"
To kill you with love, who says that's forbidden?
"And know you not," says Love, "who bore the blame?"
Mum says that we'd better not miss two things, that is---the last bus and one who love you.
Oh. Who knew? No joke: The Amazon blurb says you can use these techniques for "online marketing campaigns and even effective wartime propaganda. " Goebbels says, "I love this book! "
"I'm not that interested in making foreign movies," says Hsu, who appeared in the French blockbuster the Transporter in 2002 and had a bit part in the Hollywood movie New York, I Love You, in 2009.
"I'm not that interested in making foreign movies," says Hsu, who appeared in the French blockbuster the Transporter in 2002 and had a bit part in the Hollywood movie New York, I Love You, in 2009.