Just as with the postal system, I find it fascinating how the whole society works, that people go to work, pay their bills and go on vacation when they should.
Unlike the developers, who are responsible for a specific function or component, the tester understands how the system works as a whole to accomplish customer goals.
Fragmentary works divided among museums around the world deserve to be viewed and understood as elements of a whole.
Reissues of the works of author Edgar Rice Burroughs in paper back and book club editions did much to bring Frank Frazetta's bold style to the attention of a whole new generation of readers.
Would you ever consider living your whole life under pressure because of works and peers?
Musicians were encouraged to create works that would beenjoyed as aunitary whole for a protracted period — think of Dark Side of theMoon, or Sgt.
音乐家们被鼓励创作能够整体地拖延地来欣赏的音乐作品,想想月亮的黑暗面 DarkSideof the Moon,或辣椒军士Sgt.
The model of using casinos as just one of many revenue-spinners also works for Las Vegas as a whole. In 2009 tourists on average spent around $75 a night on accommodation and stayed for 3.6 nights.
Therefore, the life skill you need most is not the mastery of specific technologies, but mastery of the technium as a whole -- how technology in general works.
Code Cleanup works in batch mode, so that you can instantly clean the whole project or even solution.
Let's start at the client side, where you can walk through how the whole process works from front to back.
"The whole thing is a big scandal," said Riza Cetinkaya, 24, who works in her father's grocery store in the Charlottenburg district of Berlin, where, she said, sales had dropped about 70 percent.
You can step through the whole process without using a device until everything works as you want it to.
With the more precise data and the SDO’s ability to see the whole sun at once, scientists anticipate that they’ll be able to solve some longstanding questions about how the sun’s magnetic field works.
We learned how the whole system works.
The model of using casinos as just one of many revenue-spinners also works for Las Vegas as a whole.
Finally, with the runtime environment you were able to deploy and test the whole scenario to make sure it works correctly.
One lesson from the floods is that works of art-buildings, paintings, statues and books-can usually be rescued and restored; human beings cannot be made whole again.
It works across ones whole life and so the payback or benefit can't be recognized by looking at any scorecard with an individual or even in a specific relationship.
Let's take a look at how this whole process works, as it can be tricky to understand without a bit of a primer.
Some families find that having a reading time when the whole family reads works.
But if it works, a whole new wireless world will be opened up.
The whole city is an extraordinary architectural masterpiece in which even the smallest building contains works by some of the world's greatest artists.
There's another solution, one that works with whole-disk encryption products like PGP disk (I'm on PGP's advisory board), TrueCrypt, and BitLocker: encrypt the data to a key you don't know.
有另外一种方法,即用全磁盘加密产品,像PG P磁盘(我在PGP顾问委员会),加密软件,驱动器加密。用一个你不知道的密钥来加密数据。
And it has influenced the way the whole business works; everyone follows it.
On the whole this unorthodox design works well despite the fact that Coward's wit, so fizzy on stage, often seems heavy-footed and affected on the page.
They may still see exports as a source of economic growth, but that works only for some firms in individual countries, not for those in the world as a whole.
The Contractor shall not subcontract the whole of the Works.
There's also a whole new category of "works" that has evolved with blog posts and online photo galleries: public commentary.
There's also a whole new category of "works" that has evolved with blog posts and online photo galleries: public commentary.