A new port of the standard widget toolkit (SWT), called SWT browser edition, which allows existing SWT applications to be executed in the browser's Flash player.
The other option is to create your own user interface using SWT, the Standard Widget Toolkit, and to use Notes.jar to load and to save the values to the database.
其他的方法就是使用SWT(StandardWidget Toolkit)创建您自己的用户界面,使用Notes.jar加载数据和保存数值到数据库中。
The SWT (Standard Widget Toolkit) is a portable GUI widget set, and one of the really nice things about that is that it has the platform’s native look and feel, which is very important for most users.
SWT(StandardWidget Toolkit)是一种可移植的GUI widget集,其中一个真正好的方面是它具有平台本地的感观,这对于大多数用户来说是非常重要的。
Dojo is the first open source toolkit to be able to claim accessibility of its core widget set.
The Monitor development toolkit comes with an editor you can use to edit an SVG diagram for display inside a diagram widget.
While the Editor2 widget in the Dojo Toolkit offers a rich and extensible set of plugins for a rich text editor, there were some small changes required for the purposes of this sample.
DojoToolkit中的Editor 2部件针对富文本编辑器提供了丰富的可扩展插件集,为了实现本文的演示目的,需要做一些细微的改动。
To display the quotes we will use a ready-made dojo widget from the dojo toolkit, the dojox.Grid widget.
为了显示报价,我们将使用dojo工具中提供的一个现成dojo小部件,即dojox . Grid小部件。
To display the quotes we will use a ready-made dojo widget from the dojo toolkit, the dojox.Grid widget.
为了显示报价,我们将使用dojo工具中提供的一个现成dojo小部件,即dojox . Grid小部件。