The period in which the Adam's apple develops is often marked by wild fluctuations in the male voice, as the vocal cords settle into their new size.
They afterwards came to a little house, made of branches and the bark of trees; a large wild apple-tree bent over it.
Because the Chronic Dev Team does not want there to be two exploits in the wild at the same time (as Apple could then patch both at once), they've decided to withhold their SHAtter-based tool for now.
The current groundswell of wild speculation harks back to late 2007, when AppleInsider conjured a rumor that Apple was working on a slightly larger version of the iPhone.
Since the app Store is the only place where applications can be obtained, Apple can shut off the app Store if a malicious application is in the wild.
由于AppStore是获取应用软件的唯一场所,如果有大面积的恶意软件流行,苹果将关闭App Store。
Tree species in Chinese pine, spruce, birch, Yang, Liu mainly forests are apple, pear, peach, apricot and so many kinds of wild grass, nearly 100 species.
Asian wild crab apple cultivated in many varieties for it small acid usually red fruit used for preserving.
The author started the research of Osmia from 1995 and obtained some progress on the trap technology of wild Osmia and application of Osmia pollination to the apple - pear trees.
Wild berry complex dominated by fruity blackberry, raspberry, strawberry and bilberry with the added freshness of crisp green apple and blackcurrant notes.
By inoculation on apple with 2 wild canker pathogens and their nitrite mutant isolations and heterokaryotic isolations, the pathogenicity was got and analyzed by variance and multiple comparisons.
A plant that grows wild or has escaped from cultivation, especially a wild apple tree or its fruit.
"I used to start them in the open land also, where they had come out of the woods at sunset to" bud "the wild apple trees."
Archetti's new study began when he noticed that red leaves are more common in wild apple trees than in ones grown for fruit.
After the King left, one day, the boy, in his wanderings about the palace, came to the wild man's cage, and sat down close by it, playing with his golden apple.
Testifying at the Apple-Samsung trial in August, Apple's marketing chief confirmed Apple's patented marketing strategy: hold off on the advertising, just sit back and let the media go hog wild.
The extraction of juices from wild celery, carrot and apple was studied.
The extraction of juices from wild celery, carrot and apple was studied.