"We kind of had this wild idea that because these tumor cells are just pouring [out microvesicles], maybe we can actually see it in the blood," Breakefield says.
And Britain's population of wild deer—bigger now than it has been for hundreds of years—would provide a reservoir of infected blood even if all the diseased farm animals were killed off.
On left, red blood cells are stained in wild type zebrafish embryos while on the right mutant embryos lacking the enzyme Ago2 fail to produce blood cells.
Researchers analysed faeces from wild gorillas in Cameroon and blood samples from a captive animal from Gabon.
The team also took blood samples from wild born, pet animals in Gabon.
I turned and saw a sight that made my blood run cold - it was Jimmy Harlan, running breathlessly in my direction, his face red and his eyes wild.
Monk one weeps and looking at wild sea of blood corpse of Ying mountain, the eye exposes the color of melancholy bitterness.
The cowboy's sporting blood tempted James to try to ride the wild horse.
Monsters, mayhem, and rooms no one wants to rent. The emphasis here is on tension, chills, and wild plot twists, rather than blood and gore.
本书充满了妖怪、打斗事件以及一间没有人会想要租赁的房间,但本书不仅是血液与瘀 青,更著重于紧张、冷颤、和狂放的剧情转折。
Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm but willing to DRAM blood in its defense.
Conclusions The wild Russula virescens from Yunnan Ires distinct effects on regulation of blood lipid and antioxidation.
You come from a long line of Kings. Yeah, maybe you're not from the wild. But fighting is in your blood.
You come from a long line of Kings. Yeah, maybe you're not from the wild. But fighting is in your blood.