Disconcerted by these wild shouts, the disciples turned their attention from their teacher to Maeve. Jerked out of a deep tranquillity, they reacted in shock and frustration.
She broke continually into shouts of a wild, inarticulate, and sometimes piercing music.
When a boy is playing football and suffers a really painful injury he might fall to the ground screaming, but a wild-eyed coach shouts, 'Get up!
That’s the wild, wild west, ” a neighbor shouts.
Thirteen years have passed since, but it is all to me as if it had happened yesterday, -- the clanging of the fire-bells, the hoarse shouts of the firemen, the wild rush and terror of the streets;
Thirteen years have passed since, but it is all to me as if it had happened yesterday, -- the clanging of the fire-bells, the hoarse shouts of the firemen, the wild rush and terror of the streets;