'But we've made less progress with restoring and expanding vital wildlife habitats.'
'But we've made less progress with restoring and expanding vital wildlife habitats.
Avoid building in environmentally sensitive locations, such as wetlands, flood zones, hurricane-prone areas and endangered wildlife habitats.
When completed, sometime over the next decade, Sepang Goldcoast will have resorts, amusement parks, a marina, floating market and wildlife habitats.
Forests provide security for wildlife habitats, animals are wild boar, wolves, tigers, leopards, bears and foxes, birds Thunderbird, pheasant, the river carp and eel a lot.
At some point, there has to be a limit on how much land can be used for sugar cane production—certainly if you want to preserve natural habitats and native wildlife.
This is an encouraging sign that we can restore and improve our wetland habitats, which bring vital benefits to both people and wildlife.
Paula Kahumbu brims with energy and passion for preserving threatened wildlife and habitats. She's also discovered another frequently endangered species: conservationists themselves.
Wildlife not breeding because roads fragment their habitats.
However, the report also found some success in boosting wildlife, with eight habitats and 40 species said to be improving.
Meanwhile, millions of people who care about the catastrophic loss of wildlife and habitats aren't sure how to help.
Yet things are still getting worse — habitats are still being destroyed, and a growing, richer population is taking space and resources away from wildlife.
Photographers are urged to capture the essence of ‘living seas’ – the colourful, diverse and often surprising wildlife and habitats found around UK coasts.
A low population and diverse habitats make the island one of Scotland's premier wildlife-watching sites.
Wildlife is threatened by the loss of land,fragmentation of habitats, deteriorating ecosystems and invasive foreignspecies.
In the United Kingdom, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds has inspired more than 25, 000 people to improve their habitats through the Homes for Wildlife plan.
英国鸟类保护皇家学会通过了野生动物之家计划,鼓励了25 000多人改进他们的住宅。
"Together they will conserve a mixture of wildlife, habitats, geology and geomorphology," said a spokeswoman for the MCZ project.
He said diseases had spread from wildlife to humans throughout history but the risks were rising because of the impact of growing human populations on habitats.
Monoculture forests reduce the range of habitats for birds and other wildlife and thereby reduce the environmental and economic benefits people derive from wildlife seed-dispersal.
We have to be the generation that stopped the illegal wildlife trade, and secured the future of these magnificent animals, and their habitats, for if we fail, it will be too late.
停止野生动物非法交易,保护野生动物及其栖息地的未来,我们这一代人责无旁贷。如果我们不能成功,那么一切就为时太晚。 。
These awards recognize the talents of the UK's foremost wildlife photographers and are unique in that the images must be taken of British wildlife in their natural habitats.
A park is a protected area, in its natural or semi-natural state, or planted, and set aside for human recreation and enjoyment, or for the protection of wildlife or natural habitats.
Intrusion into natural areas by port expansion and maintenance can pose serious threats to wildlife and sensitive species and habitats.
Other outside facilities include a Stream walk, Mangrove Boardwalk and three Bird Hides that allow visitors to get up close to different habitats of various wildlife.
It is not only the habitats and breeding grounds for a number of wildlife, but also the important source of human life and production.
It is not only the habitats and breeding grounds for a number of wildlife, but also the important source of human life and production.