If you are not in game, we will log in to your character and place the gold in his or her inventory. Then we will send an E-mail confirming delivery.
The meta-config.xsl stylesheet generates a configuration that will send an E-mail message, but to do so it requires some information about your local environment.
meta - config . xsl样式表生成发送电子邮件消息的配置,但是要做到这一点,它需要一些本地环境变量的信息。
The following configuration file will send an E-mail using mutt for the rain warning and pop-up a message box to the local display for 10 seconds when the rain has passed.
For instance, when reading an E-mail, your mail client will send Dashboard the E-mail address of your correspondent, along with the subject line and body text.
If you schedule a meeting for an hour from now and send an E-mail to each attendee, the chance that all the attendee's will read that message within the hour will be pretty small.
You should send an E-MAIL only, make clear the picture that wants plate making or unvarnished requirement, we will offer the sample of high quality for you.
你只要发个e - MAIL,注明所需制版的图片或原样的要求,我们将为您提供高质量的样品。
Your visitors will not bother to send you an E-Mail that some of your links does not work or that some of your images does not appear.
Your visitors will not bother to send you an E-Mail that some of your links does not work or that some of your images does not appear.