High-frequency traders attempt to uncover how much an investor is willing to pay (or sell for) by sending out a stream of probing quotes that are swiftly cancelled until they elicit a response.
The price an investor is willing to pay for an option depends on a number of factors including interest rates and the relationship between the market price and the exercise price.
If you're more of a long term investor and willing to wait a decade or more, you may want to start studying pu 'er tea.
The interest charged by the Fed on the loans will in most cases range from 2% to 4%, rates that many Banks and financial companies will be willing to pay in the absence of investor demand.
Fed对这类贷款大多收取2% - 4%的利息;在投资者需求不足的情况下,许多银行和金融公司都乐意支付这样的利率水平。
The standard line the new investor wants to hear from your previous VC is, “we're behind this company 100%.We're willing to do our full pro-rata & might even like to do a bit extra.
"The US investor side is the broadest, the deepest and the most willing to back new managers and strategies, wherever they may be", says Mr Spangler.
The best measure of investor confidence is the price-earnings ratio - the price that investors are willing to pay for each dollar of a company's reported earnings.
The investor is willing to sell but not actively planning to sell.
是投资者有意愿出售却没有积极去出售的资产。 。
A situation where an investor is willing to take on more risk when there is the possibility of a greater return.
Risk-Return Tradeoff a situation where an investor is willing to take on more risk when there is the possibility of a greater return.
Risk-Return Tradeoff a situation where an investor is willing to take on more risk when there is the possibility of a greater return.