Finally the integration improved on the operation flow, changed the customer services, and advanced the whole work efficiency to win the competition advantage.
Only in this way can the travel agency industry win the competitive advantage in the intense market competition.
So, if our company want to win, we need to adopt the new strategy-the difference of product, concept, service and so on, to obtain the advantage of competition.
Each transceiver enterprise has found that the solely competitive advantage is hardly to win competition. Only marketing channels can build the differential competitive advantage.
At first, the thesis has analyzed about the traditional competition advantage source theory of enterprise, then proposed human capital and its management are the sources of win advantage.
The research of this thesis can solve these problems, it can promote the core ability of enterprises, win the advantage of competition, offer the effectual method.
Brand strategy is fundamental to win the competition among enterprises. Enterprises only created a lasting advantage of the brand, so as to be invincible.
Brand strategy is fundamental to win the competition among enterprises. Enterprises only created a lasting advantage of the brand, so as to be invincible.