Matrix converter is designed based on VSCF doubly-fed machine wind generation system.
Simulation on decoupling control of active and reactive power in doubly-fed wind generation system;
A model which includes wind turbine, gear-box and brushless doubly-fed machine (BDFM) for brushless doubly-fed wind generation system is presented.
Establishing a national renewable electricity standard will help to unify the fragmented U.S. grid system — an important step in the wider adoption of using more wind and solar for energy generation.
Variable-speed variable-frequency(VSVF), a new typed operational mode for the induction generator based wind power generation system is proposed based on the fractional frequency power transmission.
Then it's known that the low speed direct-driven permanent magnetism generation of wind power system is superiority straight.
The structure and control of direct-driven permanent magnet synchronous wind power generation system are analyzed, and the development direction of variable speed wind power generation is introduced.
As small wind power generation has the incomparable advantage to the power supply at rural areas, this study researched the small wind-power system and related control technologies.
Wind speed imitation is a crucial portion in the wind power generation imitation system.
A variable speed constant frequency wind power generation system of doubly-fed induction generator based on converter excitation was described.
The wind generation is a random, intermittent and uncontrollable energy source, the large-scale connection of wind farms with power grid has adverse effect on the safety of power system.
Twin stator brushless doubly fed machine generation system which has no electrical brush and can running in variable speed and constant frequency condition is very suitable for wind power generation.
The decoupled control of active power and reactive power is a key technology of variable speed constant frequency (VSCF) wind energy generation system.
Aim at the 2kw wind power generation system in the lab, the main circuit parts is selected.
以2 KW风力发电系统为例,选取了并网逆变器的主要电路器件。
With the application of information technology in wind power generation, secure access control of SCADA system for wind power farm becomes more and more important.
The generator, as the key part of wind power generation system, plays very important role, and its performances directly affect the efficiency and quality of the whole system.
In addition, the requirements on automatic control for wind energy generation units and the functions of information system of wind energy generation are given.
The principle of wind energy generation, the structure of wind energy generating system, and the developing trend of wind energy generation technology are described in brief.
Wind power generation system makes use of wind turbines to transform wind energy into electrical energy and then store the electrical energy for use.
A decoupled power controller based on inverse system theory was developed for a variable-speed doubly-fed wind power generation system.
The hardware structure and control strategy of the grid-connected system for wind power generation system are introduced.
It also builds the mathematic model of all section of VSCF AC exited wind power generation system on ab-b and dq coordinate system by the coordinate commutation technology.
It points out the differences between wind turbine generation and conventional energy generation, as well as the problems brought with wind field incorporated into power system.
Therefore, it is meaningful to study the small wind power generation system.
Traditional control methods of wind power generation may produce high impact current at cutting-in moment, which threatens the safety of generator and power system.
Traditional control methods of wind power generation may produce high impact current at cutting-in moment, which threatens the safety of generator and power system.