Any knowledgeable wine merchant would be able to advise you.
He's a wine merchant, so most evenings end with a bottle or two, and he often jokes that he hasn't been stone-cold sober since he left school in 1982.
The fine-wine merchant was an unusually respectable figure—for a tradesman.
This is one of many reasons you should have a good local wine merchant, because he or she can help find it.
He was a wine merchant coming from Germany, back in the beginning of the 17th Century.
Back in 1871, local wine merchant Alfred Speer patented the first "endless-travelling sidewalk", and promptly proposed an ambitious elevated moving walkway along Broadway.
早在1871年,当地的酒商al fred Speer便获得了第一条“连续移动人行道”的专利,并马上野心勃勃的提议沿着百老汇大街建立一条高层的移动人行道。
Wine merchant and distributor.
Just because a merchant, friend or writer says a wine is good doesn't mean you'll like it.
Then here the name. Alexander Keyes, tea, wine and spirit merchant. So on.
Widely considered the father of English literature, Chaucer was born around 1343 to a wealthy wine merchant.
ABSTRACT: After several years of declines, the price of Bordeaux has crept back up to 2010 levels for the first time according to fine wine merchant Bordeaux Index.
Very likely, I returned; or perhaps clerk or agent to a wine-merchant.
Fine wine merchant Bordeaux Index alleged that unscrupulous traders in Shanghai had hoodwinked private customers into ordering and paying for the 2009 vintage of legendary wines.
French Wine merchant RAMEL Corporation and the service signs the FOB contract in Italy's SACOVINI Corporation, purchases Italian liquor which one kind easy to sour.
French Wine merchant RAMEL Corporation and the service signs the FOB contract in Italy's SACOVINI Corporation, purchases Italian liquor which one kind easy to sour.