Or If out with some friends I will enjoy a few beers and wine with dinner.
We had been feeling pretty smug about drinking a glass of red wine with dinner.
Alcohol Lin excess is still bad for you, but a glass of wine with dinner is probably fine for nonalcoholics.
We shared a bottle of red wine with dinner and it was so good that we decided to have more wine and a piece of cheesecake for dessert.
Patients with well-controlled Type 2 diabetes were randomized to drink 150 milliliters of water, white wine or red wine with dinner for two years.
Pleasure No. 10: wine with dinner: The buzz on wine is about its heart-healthy properties, though researchers aren't entirely sure how it works its magic.
ABSTRACT: Enjoying a glass of wine with dinner combined with regular cups of tea and exercise could be the key to prolonging your life, scientists have claimed.
When it comes to choosing the wine to have with dinner, on the rare occasion that I get to take my girlfriend out, I avoid going for the cheapest bottle, as this makes me look, er, cheap.
If you like a glass of wine in the evening, have it with dinner — around 6 p.m. rather than 11 — and drink in moderation, so it'll wear off by the time you lie down.
Also, the research doesn't examine the long-term cost of drinking, say, wine instead of milk with dinner.
And if we are invited to dinner, we usually take a bottle of table wine with us or some flowers for the hostess.
Many are middle-class and middle-aged folk who would never dream of taking a swing at a fellow boozer, but regularly polish off a bottle or two of wine at home with dinner.
Professor together with his wife came over to meet me at the airport, and then I was welcomed to his home for dinner, drinking some French red wine.
They have brought wine with them to the dinner party.
The conference dinner fee includes a champagne reception, wine with the meal, port and liqueurs, and after dinner entertainment.
Mary: Well, could you help me cancel the dinner appointment with George Wilson, the wine dealer?
Here is my dinner plate. Dinner is completed with a glass of white wine.
So, if you think that a bottle of wine would make a nice addition to your steak dinner, be ready to pay the service charge along with it.
After dinner, the fluorescent party will start. There will be beautiful music, sweet wine and delicious desserts. You can sing and dance with DJ's songs.
If you drink, enjoy a glass of wine with your dinner.
Would you like to have some wine with your dinner?
Would you like to have some wine with your dinner?