This paper introduces the Sea Ice Management System (SIMS) used for winter oil production for Bohai oilfield.
That might be true, but they're also not paying $600 dollars a month in winter to keep their heating oil tanks full.
Fuel oil prices are expected to be twice those for natural gas in the northeast United States, leading many homeowners to consider a new source of heating fuel for winter.
Americans will probably see lower energy bills this winter, as gasoline and heating oil futures also dropped sharply on Thursday.
And if oil were spilled in the winter, cleanup would take place in the total darkness that engulfs the region during those months.
The sharp drop in oil prices in recent weeks may reduce this differential, but could easily be reversed by supply disruption or a harsh winter.
But so far this year, there has been no sign of the typical seasonal increase-prompting oil traders to worry that when winter sets in, the world will be short of oil.
It might be especially effective in climates where homeowners need home heating oil or propane to heat their homes in winter, and electricity-guzzling air conditioners to cool their homes in summer.
However, normal skin with seasonal fluctuations, the summer tends to oil, winter tends to dry.
Nevertheless, OPEC has agreed to raise oil output by 500,000 barrels a day beginning in November to ensure ample supply during the cold winter months, and to temper prices.
Nevertheless, OPEC has agreed to raise oil output by 500, 000 barrels a day beginning in November to ensure ample supply during the cold winter months, and to temper prices.
Russia's main stock indexes also plummeted Monday in their first day of trading after a lengthy winter holiday, as falling oil prices also cast a pall over the country's energy-dependent economy.
Oil surface gap value, when winter static shall prevail when running can be appropriately heightening face, to keep the oil tube produce oil tent.
If you do not promptly change the oil used in winter, will lead to cold start when the car started difficult, and even burning pad shaft accident.
Moreover, the price of oil usually falls in the autumn, after the summer surge in petrol consumption has abated but before winter brings higher demand for heating oil .
It was in winter that they dug trenches and laid the oil pipes.
The freezing point of heat conductive oil is relatively low and can be used in cold winter. Even if it is solidified, there is no expansion and no danger for cracking equipment.
The productivity in many foreign plants tailed off as the oil shortage sharpened last winter.
Therefore, in the winter comes, will be timely oil pan, air compressor in the oil into the oil used in the winter;
Vehicle oil heater is one of the main equipments for heating bus in winter.
This last winter, we spent nothing on fuel oil!
In dry winter, fireproof, explosion -proof, gas poisoning prevention, anti - skidding, and anti - freezing measures are essential for gas stations and oil depots.
石油库和加油站在风干物燥寒冷的冬季,要做好防火、防爆、防煤气中毒、防冻、防凝、防滑等工作。 要防止静电危害,加强对可燃物及明火的控制与管理。
Crude oil in primary and secondary gun barrels at central gathering station always foams in winter for high viscosity of the crude oil in Gudao oilfield.
This paper expatiated interrelated theories, methods and technology measures. The factors of using inferior brand diesel oil in winter were researched and analyzed generally.
One thousand of Australia's fairy penguins are ready for winter and oil spills.
One thousand of Australia's fairy penguins are ready for winter and oil spills.