Your character is like winter sweet my disposition resembles general and doughty ;
One autumn day there fluttered on to the Cathedral roof a slender, sweet-voiced bird that had wandered away from the bare fields and thinning hedgerows in search of a winter roosting-place.
秋日的一天,大教堂屋顶上飞来一只体态轻盈、叫声甜美的小鸟。 它离开荒芜的原野和日渐稀疏的矮树篱只为寻一处冬季的栖息地。
Carrots, sweet potatoes, winter squash and yellow bell peppers are wonderful sources of carotenoids, which fight cancer.
In this cold winter, so sweet peach food to the maintenance and care of your body to be a bar!
Finally able to harvest, and I am sure are big and sweet radish, but this winter I'll no longer to eat, go to their mother's another!
In winter, it is just as frozen as it is very fragile, and then gradually into the sweet dreams.
It was a winter morning, I'm sweet dreams, my father pushed me, and said with a smile: "mantin, got up, heavy snow outside! ""
那是冬天的一个早晨,我正在甜甜地做梦,爸爸推了推我,并微笑着说: 瓙“文丁,赶紧起床,外面下大雪了!”
In autumn and winter, the air was crispy and sweet, like biscuits.
Day sweet, like the morning's lemonade, like the winter sun, like the dream of the sea, like the first time meet you.
Sweet smell; in winter, it carrirs a crisp chilliness …
A hot sweet drink thats perfect for winter nights when you just can face another glass of mulled wine!
When the grass is tall and sweet and full of summer sunshine, it is time to cut it down and make hay – hay that will hold that summer sweetness all through the cold, hungry winter months.
当高高的草浸透了夏日的阳光,散发出芬芳的时候,就可以收割,晾成干草了。 在整个寒冷且食物匮乏的冬天里,干草将一直保存夏日的甜美。
ABSTRACT: in cold winter days, sweet red wine lollipop lights up our life. Now, let's learn how to make red wine lollipop.
New Year's Day blessing: Gently open the Windows in winter, still see snow float, take along a message to you, are you okay? Really thinking about, Happy New Year wish for you sweet!
The winter plum tree is highly appreciated for its pink and white blossoms and sweet aroma.
And the wicker basket with the even density was the tool for mother to wash the sweet potatoes in the morning of winter.
In spring, it steals a kiss on my check, in autumn, it caresses my face, in summer, it brings a cool sweet smell, in winter, it cames a crisp chilliness…
Thai Chili lime sauce, Garlic bacon sauce, Sweet and sour Mayo, Winter melon sauce.
泰椒青柠酱,金银蒜培根酱,奶汁酸甜酱, 美极冬瓜酱。
The first snow when he telephones, the winter comes, Liangkexin together on the heating, When her heart is not that sweet…
On a winter night, I remembered that from word to sentence, with the the good smell of fried sweet egg.
ABSTRACT: in cold winter days, sweet red wine lollipop lights up our life.
Apple pie is a favorite sweet, and English puddings, of which there are various types, are an excellent ending to a meal, especially in winter.
Other foods containing ample amounts of beta carotene include carrots, cantaloupe, winter squash, sweet potatoes, sweet red peppers, apricots and mangoes.
Other foods containing ample amounts of beta carotene include carrots, cantaloupe, winter squash, sweet potatoes, sweet red peppers, apricots and mangoes.