Now a new study published Friday in Science asks whether hand-washing can wipe the slate clean of any past behavior — even everyday decisions, like, say, choosing Paris over Rome for vacation.
January is a popular time to wipe the SLATE clean.
I have named this "formula" - the clean SLATE Method because it has the power to "wipe the SLATE clean" so a relationship can begin to heal.
A fresh start: If you've ever been in a bad relationship or had a long standing one that didn't work out, this is your chance to start afresh and wipe the SLATE clean.
There was a way we could wipe the SLATE clean.
It's a time for rebirth, a day to 11 wipe the SLATE clean and start all over again; a holiday that is as much about the past as it is about looking ahead.
It's a time for rebirth, a day to 11 wipe the SLATE clean and start all over again; a holiday that is as much about the past as it is about looking ahead.