An Internet pioneer is using the platform to launch a interplanetary Internet protocol on Earth that could harden wireless networks against delays in data transmission.
A routing protocol for wireless sensor networks was proposed. The protocol used a data aggregation scheme of minimum transmission cost spanning tree.
Considered a reliable data transmission and wireless sensor network nodes 'life, we analyze and design the data transmission network of node multi-hop routing protocol.
In this dissertation a detailed design scheme of wireless data transmission module is given, and the former two algorithm is fulfilled in its MAC protocol design.
By adopting the thought of module design, this paper implements the SSL protocol on the CDMA wireless communication module, and resolves the security of the data transmission in the wireless channel.
采用模块化设计思想,在CD MA无线通信模块上实现了SSL协议,保证了数据在无线网络中的安全传输。
The composition of the system, the application of wireless data transmission technology, communication protocol and the software design concept are analyzed and presented in detail.
The composition of the system, the application of wireless data transmission technology, communication protocol and the software design concept are analyzed and presented in detail.