The protocol stack of wireless sensor networks is composed of physical level, logical link control level, network level, transport level and application levels.
This paper provides a reference design of high layer protocol stack for radio interface of centerless and wireless network system.
First, the paper studies the theoretical basis of the wireless sensor network (Zigbee protocol), including the characteristics, composition, structure and protocol stack.
论文首先研究了构建 无线传感网络的理论基础(即Zigbee协议),包括特点、组成、结构、协议栈等。
First, the paper studies the theoretical basis of the wireless sensor network (Zigbee protocol), including the characteristics, composition, structure and protocol stack.
论文首先研究了构建 无线传感网络的理论基础(即Zigbee协议),包括特点、组成、结构、协议栈等。