The suit claims the two met in Boston and signed a contract with a witness present.
With so much at stake and such large companies involved, we are surely about to witness a long and protracted battle.
Video shot by a witness showed the woman grabbing the Pope's vestments as she was taken down, with Pope Benedict seemingly falling on top of her.
As this process is repeated, with the witness again choosing the closest two matches, the faces generated quickly converge on one that bears a resemblance to that of the suspect.
The witness said that he had saved text messages that he had exchanged with a member of Pérez Molina's party, who had offered him a car and money to remain silent.
According to the app's description, installing it will allow you to "Spread friendship with the Pope and become a witness of Christ in the world through the web."
On November 16th several hundred ordinary, middle-aged Australians, with pain in their faces and tears in their eyes, packed the hall to witness a ceremony devoted to them.
Luke Tubbs told how a witness ran to his house in shock and screaming for help: "He just saw a big splash and then the shark roll over in the water with the guy and then [he saw] no body or anything."
Another witness, Sergi Tudela, a fisheries expert with the WWF, agreed.
You bring your story with more images all around and more information, so you are a better witness.
The gamers also frequently flipped between a first person view from within the body and a third person view of themselves from outside, except never with the calm detachment of a distant witness.
In this peculiar failing, and in the bashfulness with which a British person receives praise, I invite you to witness our national ambivalence to success.
Yet, true presence, or “being with” another person, carries with it a silent power—to bear witness to a passage, to help carry an emotional burden, or to begin a healing process.
With this spirit, we are expected to witness a harmonious scene in which the people can enjoy their life to the uttermost.
When he is mugged by a former book - borrower, who recognises him, he toys with the idea that his assailant will repent of his villainous intent, in witness to the redeeming power of literature.
It ended with a hung jury, in large part due to the star alibi witness, a manager at the zoo who said she was having drinks with Mr Hankton at a hotel when the murder occurred.
Living with ALS seems a bit like going into the witness protection program.
Write out a promissory note with the assistance of a lawyer or other witness.
In one sighting, recorded on a UFO research website, a witness reported seeing four craft studded with bright blue lights "dance around one another in the night sky".
There is a new liaison office for the swift swapping of information with foreign agencies, and a new witness-protection scheme (though this must make do with a budget of just $700, 000).
Ms Choi, who is in police detention along with two other aides of Ms Park, has so far refused to attend the hearing as a witness, citing ill health.
Ms Choi, who is in police detention along with two other aides of Ms Park, has so far refused to attend the hearing as a witness, citing ill health.