Then he turned to the passengers with a worried look and said. "This poor bus is getting old."
The king of the State of Wei summoned his officials,and asked with a worried look if anyone could propose a way to defeat the Qin army.
The king of the State of Wei summoned his officials, and asked with a worried look if anyone could propose a way to defeat the Qin army.
Then he turned to the passengers with a worried look on his face and said, "This poor bus is getting old." It isn't going as well as it used to.
Then he turned to the passengers with a worried look on his face and said, "This poor bus is getting old. It isn't going as well as it used to."
If you're worried that will look defensive, then explore the criticism with a third party instead.
"The goose did what?" asked Mrs. Arable, gazing at her daughter with a queer, worried look.
Frank is such a wet blanket with that worried look on his face and his boring talk.
You are very worried that they can't cope with university's curriculum, worry and new classmates bad, you decided to look at this a few months'll pass-my horoscope.
Earnings yields, too, are attractive compared with bond yields, says Peter Oppenheimer, a strategist at Goldman Sachs. "If you look at the numbers, you wonder why people are as worried as they are."
Earnings yields, too, are attractive compared with bond yields, says Peter Oppenheimer, a strategist at Goldman Sachs. "If you look at the numbers, you wonder why people are as worried as they are."