For use with anonymous methods, the delegate and the code to be associated with it are declared together.
This topic explains how Code Analysis handles warnings and metrics that are associated with anonymous methods.
With anonymous methods mimic the code layout of a regular method, aligned with the anonymous delegate declaration.
With anonymous methods, mimic the code layout of a regular method, aligned with the delegate declaration. (complies with placing an open curly brace in a new line).
Methods: Ecumenical demology character and the reasons of laboring selections of 834 pregnant women were investigated with anonymous questionnaire.
Methods a cluster random sample of 2 015 undergraduates were investigated with an anonymous questionnaire.
方法采取整群随机抽样方法选取被试,对抽取的2 015名大学生进行匿名自填问卷调查。
Methods with cluster sampling, 1 185 senior high school students and 3 200 undergraduates were chosen. They were investigated with an anonymous questionnaire before and after the health education.
方法抽取杭州市高中学生1 185名和大学生3 200名,在健康教育干预前后进行无记名问卷调查。
Methods with cluster sampling, 1 185 senior high school students and 3 200 undergraduates were chosen. They were investigated with an anonymous questionnaire before and after the health education.
方法抽取杭州市高中学生1 185名和大学生3 200名,在健康教育干预前后进行无记名问卷调查。