Only those with deep pockets, however, could afford the $25,000 cost of each device.
Hundreds of rivals, some with deep pockets, are springing up.
Finding a buyer with deep pockets dulls the pain of being a publicly traded company.
So a team with deep pockets is playing on a level playing field with every other team.
这样的话, 财大气粗的球队和其他任一球队就能处于同一起跑线了。
Many of those budgets will belong to countries with deep pockets and neighbours to fear.
If you are a friendly, fun loving guy with deep pockets join me on my Bachelor Dream Tour.
如果你是一个友好的、爱好乐趣的有着深的口袋的伙计,那么加入我的单身汉梦之旅(Bachelor Dream Tour)吧。
Some kids have parents with deep pockets. Other kids are well down the road to financial trouble.
But it could very well take a big auto maker with deep pockets to fund cars that could truly rival Tesla.
Those with deep pockets but little time or energy to hike can charter a helicopter from Raul Helicopters.
Brands with deep pockets may be able to negotiate favourable advertising rates and lock them in for several years.
Some of the most prominent start-ups are preparing for stockmarket listings or are being bought by big firms with deep pockets.
In the past, liquidity crises have been solved by the emergence of a confident buyer with deep pockets, such as John Pierpont Morgan in 1907.
But the market's early stage represents a potential opportunity for a new player with deep pockets and plentiful manufacturing experience like BYD.
Rather than splitting in two, a better bet would be to sell assets one by one to Asian or Russian oil firms with deep pockets and global aspirations.
Although one trip costs more than 200,000 yuan, an increasing number of Chinese people with deep pockets and a sense of adventure are making the voyage.
Those who channelled investors' money to Mr Madoff, such as his now notorious "feeder funds", face years of litigation as victims go after those with deep pockets.
Since these firms are strong in their field, they should be able to find new owners or partners with deep pockets, be they big pharma firms or private-equity investors.
For instance, having 2000 backers in a rewards-based campaign is likely to prove a larger drain on resources than say five investors with deep pockets from an equity-based campaign.
He stood with his hands deep in his pockets.
Some of the world's national oil companies may have run into such tough production problems by then that they'd be more willing to take on equity partners with very deep pockets.
With their deep pockets, they were able to continue to open new shops and invest in the business during the crisis.
Another reason bigger companies are targeted probably has to do with the perception that because they have deep pockets, they'll be quicker to offer compensation.
Candy and flowers are still popular with nearly a third of people expected to opt for them and a similar number will dig deep into their pockets for an evening out.
He, probably wisely, decided to avoid involvement in a bidding war against an opponent with deep-pockets.
With pockets as deep as theirs, who knew what kind of damaging testimony they could buy?
With pockets as deep as theirs, who knew what kind of damaging testimony they could buy?