Then a retrieval model of introspective learning is given to decrease the time of case retrieval, which can vary with the number of cases in case base obviously.
In a number of the cases, no coding is needed, which is a big advantage when you need to solve a protocol conversion or bridging problem with minimal effort.
The week after the switchover, the number of fresh cases fell significantly, with a best estimate of 30,000 new cases, down by two-thirds from the previous week.
In 2008, there were 40 cases of human infection with H5N1, leading to 30 deaths — a tiny number compared WTH the death toll from ordinary flu.
In Pakistan, the number of confirmed and suspected cases of dengue has risen, in just the past few weeks, with extraordinary speed.
With some cases including multiple killings, the number of dead is likely to be significantly higher.
Even with a relatively small number of cases and deaths, the global cost of a modern epidemic is large and not limited to the countries directly affected.
We don't have enough data to give an actual number of people afflicted with the disorder, you can just see from the papers and the cases being reported that it may not be all that rare.
Because not all cases of foodborne illness are recognized and reported, the actual number of illnesses associated with unpasteurized milk likely is greater.
Dentists claimed that massive debt and deficit problems in Ireland have left the country with an increasing number of cases of teeth-grinding.
The number of confirmed cases of the H1N1 swine flu virus is rising worldwide -- with nearly all of Mexico, the epicenter of the outbreak, at a standstill in a bid to contain the illness.
The numerator, or number of new cases of disseminated BCG disease, was derived from multicentre surveillance data collected prospectively on infants with a confirmed HIV infection during 2004–2006.
The burden of disease in Nigeria is 13-times higher than the endemic country with the next highest number of cases (India), while the decline in new cases this year has been slower than anticipated.
The number of new cases detected globally has fallen by 9126 (a 4% decrease) during 2008 compared with 2007.
Last night 61 new cases of H1N1 swine flu were confirmed in Britain bringing the total number of people who have been sick with the virus to 339.
昨天晚上,在英国新增61例h 1 N 1猪流感病患者,这让因此病毒而生病的人达到339个。
However, there are a small number of cases with potential cross-border effects in the Community.
Since the survey began in 2003, infidelity was the number one cause of divorce, with 25% of cases citing that as the main reason for splitting up.
Tracking testing progress with an iteration in ClearQuest test management requires you to create an iteration, and then to select some number of configured test cases to associate with the iteration.
April 2005 | Geneva - Eighteen new cases of polio have today been announced in Yemen, bringing the reported total number associated with an outbreak in the country to 22.
Eighteen new cases of polio have today been announced in Yemen, bringing the reported total number associated with an outbreak in the country to 22.
No official estimates have been made on the number of XDR-TB cases, but there may be around 25 000 a year with most cases fatal.
So far, the drug agency said it knew of about 60 cases worldwide, a tiny number compared with the 5 million to 10 million women who have implants.
Hertz-Picciotto and Delwiche correlated the number of cases of autism reported between 1990 and 2006 with birth records and excluded children not born in California.
Hertz - Picciotto和Lora Delwiche在研究中将1990年到2006年间,孤独症病例的数字与婴儿出生数联系起来,并且将非加州出生的儿童排除在外。
Hertz-Picciotto and Delwiche correlated the number of cases of autism reported between 1990 and 2006 with birth records and excluded children not born in California.
Hertz - Picciotto和Lora Delwiche在研究中将1990年到2006年间,孤独症病例的数字与婴儿出生数联系起来,并且将非加州出生的儿童排除在外。