I would recommend for robustness to thread abort if your thread doesn't join within an appropriate time to forcibly kill the service.
Tracking systems have to meet the test of locating any record within an appropriate time period and ensuring that all movements are traceable.
Within half an hour, an E-mail arrived from an ACOR member suggesting which scans might be appropriate and offering details about interleukin-2, the only treatment at the time that resembled a cure.
半小时后,他还收到了一封ACOR网站会员的电子邮件,推荐他做一下扫描,提供一下白介素- 2的详细情况,这是网站中所能提供的仅有一种治疗方法。
The other Contracting Party shall then take appropriate corrective action within an agreed time period.
The two sides also agreed to hold consultations on climate change at an appropriate time within this year.
The two sides also agreed to hold consultations on climate change at an appropriate time within this year.