In their very different ways, both of them do well in school, and both finish their work within the required time as well.
Site quality problems, technical services staff to be addressed within the required time to resolve.
Applicants must prepare relevant materials listed as followed, and submit to TUTE within the required time.
But we haven't talked with our contractors first, and it turned out that they were not able to supply the full merchandise within the required time slot.
If the facility had any citations or penalties from violations of working condition laws in the past 12 months, have they all been connected within the required time frame?
But my marks in the Comprehensive Liberal Arts Exam are only 120, as I didn't fill in all the answers within the required time as a result of my repeatedly filling out the same answer sheets.
By measuring the time required for a signal to travel between the satellites and the antenna, the car's location can be pinned down within 100 meters.
Each radiofrequency ablation takes about 10 to 30 minutes, with additional time required if multiple ablations are performed. The entire procedure is usually completed within one to three hours.
This required the portal application to be able to display the task list within a specified time limit, perhaps two seconds.
Advertising materials should be delivered within the time required for editorial purposes.
Academic Macolm Gladwell, whose books have become required reading within the Conservative Party, says you need to put in this time over a decade to get to the top of your chosen field.
Perfect property: Locating a table entry requires o (1) time-that is, at most, one string comparison is required to perform keyword recognition within the static search set.
If you do not provide the required funds within the time required by us, your position may be liquidated at a loss, and you will be liable for any resulting deficit in your account.
Article receiving: After finishing the race within required time, participants can receive food and drink by presenting the number bib.
The Complainant shall pay to the Provider an initial fixed fee, in accordance with the Provider's Supplemental Rules, within the time and in the amount required.
Thus, a settling time of 50 seconds would be required for the reading to settle to within 1% of final value.
If the required margin deposits and interest payments are not made within the prescribed time, your collateral may be liquidated without your consent.
A hoisting jack is a key component for a rocket launcher vehicle, influencing the combat performance. It is required to support the combat vehicle reliably within the prescribed time.
Unless restricted by law, each selected entrant will be required to complete and return the Release along with requested supplementary judging material within the time period specified therein.
High quality projects deliver the required product, service or result within scope, on time, and within budget.
For the first time they were required to attain air quality of specified standards, within a specified period of time.
It is shown that the heat capacity based lasers have the noticeable advantage over conventional lasers if very high output energy within a short time is required.
The statistics show that most bloggers quit within the first 6 months and I think one of the main reasons is that the time required of them is too demanding.
By matching the best of the two worlds, CNMy is committed to deliver the project within time, cost, quality and EHS emphasis as required by our customers.
A customer's failure to submit the required information for a trade review or within the specified time period may be rejected at the sole discretion of MBTF.
The construction cost supervision is of great importance for the performance of a project construction with required quality and planned cost within the given time.
The construction cost supervision is of great importance for the performance of a project construction with required quality and planned cost within the given time.