The elder brother is issuing this theory without any consideration—obviously, whatsoever of earthly reality and we're shocked by.
A gift is a present transfer of property by one person to another without any consideration or compensation.
It was all carried out without any consideration for the susceptibilities of the bereaved family.
The architecture of one or more systems is used to justify your it organizational approach without consideration for non-architectural concerns.
When software development teams create new value too quickly and without consideration for the future, they tend to create software with increasingly high implementation costs.
A logical data model defines entities and relationships between entities without consideration of the implementation platform.
However, if done improperly or without careful consideration, you can create an insecure system, or at least one with poorly understood trust relationships.
Your organizational structure is used to justify the architectural approach for a system without consideration of the true requirements for that system.
Normalization focuses only on the meaning of the data, without consideration given to the possible performance requirements of the applications accessing the data.
A business model defines entities and relationships between entities, without consideration of the implementation platform.
Pure altruism, we think, requires a person to sacrifice for another without consideration of personal gain.
When you're actually speaking to someone, the desire to be accommodating is very strong, and can lead you to say "yes" without enough consideration.
In the event of a failure, you simply quiesce the test workload and let the DB2 standby assume the load of the failed server without consideration for throughput reduction.
当有故障发生时,只需暂停测试工作负载,让DB 2承担出故障的服务器的负载,这样就不必担心吞吐量降低。
One NGO reported that political prisoners sent to punishment facilities were subject to torture without consideration of their gender.
In fact, if you apply data encryption without consideration for how it will affect other it functions, it can actually increase risks in other areas of the enterprise.
In this example, I've used AspectJ wildcard notation to represent methods without consideration for name, type, argument, etc. Projections into other dimensions would work similarly.
在该例中,我使用了Aspect j通配符符号来表示方法,没有考虑名字、类型、参数等因素。其他维中的投射与此类似。
In fact, he dismissed it as academic and potentially harmful to performance, so the early Linux kernel was designed entirely without consideration for other architectures or possible porting.
We will first complete the implementation as a Struts application without consideration for the portal environment.
Many applications are designed without consideration of the need to port them to Linux.
roads are planned without sufficient consideration of their specific needs;
Those who always act selfishly without consideration for others should be condemned by all.
The branch of biology that deals with the form and structure of organisms without consideration of function.
No change to the protocol may be made without consideration and approval by the committee.
In the analysis, the effect of rainfall and existence of fissures was simulated, and the calculated results with and without consideration of existence of fissures in the slope were also compared.
Without consideration of discontinuities possible existing in range image, traditional finite difference or local surface fitting method, inevitably produce errors.
Without consideration, without pity, without shame.
Without consideration, without pity, without shame.