A software emulator is not running your program on a virtual machine — it's running it on the fly without a virtual machine.
A computer software program that installs itself without a user's permission and does not or honestly tell the user what information it is gathering from the computer and how it is using it.
Backdoor is a software program that gives an attacker unauthorized access to a machine and the means for remotely controlling the machine without the user's knowledge.
Software tamper resistance is the art of crafting a program such that it cannot be modified by a potentially malicious attacker without the attack being detected.
Rarely a day passed by without someone asking me to install some new piece of software, to get their printer up and running again, or teach them how to use some new program.
There is still a lot of software that comes without an uninstall program.
It is our pleasure to offer you the software without charge, direct or hidden, to download and use a fully functional copy of the program.
It is our pleasure to offer you the software without charge, direct or hidden, to download and use a fully functional copy of the program.