Business rules are expressed without ambiguity, in terms of a standard business vocabulary (SBVR).
In fact, software architecture description in full detail without ambiguity is a leading factor in successful software development.
XML namespaces allow XML documents to incorporate elements and attributes from different vocabularies without ambiguity and processing conflicts.
Some feel let it stays in proper position is good, don't Passover, without ambiguity, won't because care and become a burden yourself with others.
The stories at the top of your product backlog should be researched enough to be presented without ambiguity to your team at the sprint planning meeting.
When we are able to relate without ambiguity any association end to a foreign key, we can apply the correspondence to specify to which primary key the foreign key refers.
Is there any one of us who has not lived through moments, if not years, of longing for a world without ambiguity, and for the stability of something unchangeable in human institutions?
This combination both lets you see without ambiguity what the markup structure of a document is, and also allows you to see a good approximation of a final rendering of an XML document.
They must admit without equivocation or ambiguity that the organization is the sole and only representative of the Palestinian people.
You will have to learn how to balance clarity and precision, so that your ideas come across without either ambiguity or stifling formality.
For example, there is no stereotype for operation or for protocol, as these are existing notions in UML 2.0 that the profile reuses without any ambiguity or further constraint.
例如,操作(operation)或者协议(protocol)就是没有原型,就像UML 2.0中已经有一些概念一样,该profile可以进行没有歧义的或者进一步约束的重用。
Without a certain standard of nominating, the English names of tertiary institutions vary greatly, producing ambiguity, causing misunderstanding and even embarrassment.
Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next. Delicious ambiguity.
Advantage of this technology is to identify the L1, L2 and L5 carrier phase ambiguity measurements without other special conditions.
这项技术的优点在于确定L 1、L2和L5载波相位测量模糊度时不需其他特别条件。
In addition, despite the semantic ambiguity in students' questions, we can grasp the clou of students' questions without any complicated semantic analysis.
To prevent ambiguity, without a valve for each order to make accurate, on the street or ordering without the need for the valve to make a one-sided, the appropriate state.
Two concepts of man confront each other, movingly, revealingly, and not without a subtle ambiguity.
Two concepts of man confront each other, movingly, revealingly, and not without a subtle ambiguity.