According to the data from the WMO, temperatures on the Antarctica (南极洲) just hit 18.3℃, which is higher than the record of 17.59℃ in March, 2015. Moreover, temperatures in this area have warmed about 3℃ over the last 50 years.
WMO says a warming climate can exacerbate air pollution.
Thus was born the predecessor of our WMO Executive Council.
The WMO "s final figure is an average of the three sets of data."
Every year, the WMO will select a theme to celebrate this special day.
The new booklet is also a renewed effort to preserve WMO history for future generations.
WMO will also coordinate a series of meetings on flood disasters and flood management at the Forum.
Atmospheric observations are currently coordinated through existing WMO programs such as the WWW and GAW.
The trend also helped to melt Arctic sea ice cover to a record low for December last month, the WMO said in a statement.
Just ahead of the Copenhagen conference, the WMO said that the past ten years had been the warmest since records began in 1850.
A brief introduction of World Meteorological Organization (WMO), its purposes, function as well as its service were given.
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) says this decade is the warmest on record, surpassing the period spanning the 1990s.
世界气象组织(WMO)称,过去的十年是有记录以来最热的十年,超过了20 世纪90年代的十年。
WMO scientists assess and monitor air pollutants such as ground-level ozone, smog, particulate matter, sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide.
WMO o and the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services are playing an essential role in building climate-resilient societies.
I am convinced that through this initiative and others that will follow, WMO will be even more relevant in serving humanity over decades to come.
The WMO report said there was unusually warm weather in many parts of Europe, and Scandinavian countries enjoyed the warmest winter season on record.
Laurence Barrie is chief researcher at the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) in Geneva, which is working with 40 countries to develop a dust storm warning system.
劳伦斯·巴里(Laurence Barrie)是位于日内瓦的世界气象组织(WMO)的首席研究员,该组织正在与40个国家合作开发沙尘暴预警系统。
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said its modeling suggested a "fairly large potential for an el Nino, most likely by the end of the second quarter of 2014".
The World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) said its modelling suggested a "fairly large potential for an el Nino, most likely by the end of the second quarter of 2014".
Thee World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) said its modelling suggested a "fairly large potential for an el Nino, most likely by the end of the second quarter of 2014".
In 2010, the global average temperature was 0.95 degrees Fahrenheit above the 1961 to 1990 mean that is used as a yardstick for climate measurements, according to the WMO.
The present paper gives an analysis of the low frequency (LF) vortex and divergent circulation systems and their interactions in terms of the ECMWF/WMO data (summer of 1984).
The measurements taken by aircraft Piper-Aztec of France during the experiment of the Precipitation Enhancement Project organized by the WMO in Spain in 1981 have been analysed.
The Terma ATIS Plus generates high quality voice broadcasts from METAR data, and generates an error alert if values fall outside user-defined limits or if data do not comply with WMO standards.
You have offered WMO and its Members, and partner organizations, a unique opportunity to focus with the China Meteorological Administration on issues which are vital for the future of humanity.
We provide the results from our operational forecast activities to our Member States and Co-operating States, the members of the WMO and the public. Various levels of access restrictions apply.
WMO was however always aware of the risks and the 1986 WMO Technical Document No 99 - Possible Climatic Consequences of a Major Nuclear War - shall remain a historic reference for future generations.
然而,WMO对这些风险始终有清醒的意识。 1986年,WMO出版了第99号技术文件,题为《重大核战争可能带来的气候后果》,该文件对子孙后代将是一份具有历史意义的参考文献。
WMO was however always aware of the risks and the 1986 WMO Technical Document No 99 - Possible Climatic Consequences of a Major Nuclear War - shall remain a historic reference for future generations.
然而,WMO对这些风险始终有清醒的意识。 1986年,WMO出版了第99号技术文件,题为《重大核战争可能带来的气候后果》,该文件对子孙后代将是一份具有历史意义的参考文献。