The specific grain of the wood guides the sculptor to work with his material accordingly.
The wood grain on the steering wheel and dash blend in almost imperceptibly with the seat leather, a nod to the Chinese, who are used to monotone color schemes.
Watched surface, the attention to wood grain , and this is good or bad directly determine floors standards.
Wood Grain Brown (#2109-30): Less red and more gray than Hershey's Kiss brown, this is the color Mayhew used in her own dining room.
The tight layering of the CARDS creates a brilliant striped pattern, and, as Shaheen notes, the different shades of yellow resemble wood grain.
We're not sure of the unusual 'stone' finish in place of the usual wood grain, however this is purely subjective.
Natural coral has a distinctive wood grain texture which can help identify it as the real thing.
A unique wood grain appearance accents the instrument panel, center console, doors and gear shift knob.
It's stable and reliable, and the graphics are nice and kind of "old school," with a wood grain feel.
The steel plate surface has a cultured and clear wood grain ectype and inhibit square space pattern the beauty is generous.
This series door facing is made of high density wood fiber. The surface with oak wood grain and be finished white primer painting.
Color blending creates exciting perspective, shading and color effects by blending colored layers. From sunsets to wood grain effects, capturing realism in your design has never so simple.
I sat on the floor, fingered the wood grain, and found a winding avenue through it.
Morals and custom several thousand years, but still have fine wood grain.
Striking natural wood grain connector design compliments the natural wood look of acoustic guitars.
THYON MX600 is a self crosslinking Printing Ink vehicle designed for printing simulated wood grain on special melamine impregnated papers.
THYON MX600是一种自交联油墨连接料,是专为印刷在木纹纸特别是三聚氰胺树脂浸渍纸所设计。
The mix&match of green and dark wood grain is always in.
The varnish was made to imitate wood grain.
Each of these forests produces wood with distinctive characteristics involving tightness of the wood grain as well as the amount of oak flavours that are imparted to the wine.
The steel plate surface has a cultured and clear wood grain ectype, and inhibit square space pattern, the beauty is generous.
The steel plate surface has a cultured and clear wood grain ectype, and inhibit square space pattern, the beauty is generous.