Do you know the part of speech of this word?
What part of speech is this word?
What part of speech is this word in this sentence?
The researchers believe if the volunteers had been asked to repeat the word, they would have also developed a permanent neural connection to the part of the brain responsible for speech.
It will allow users to create new word entries, obtain the definition of a given word, obtain synonyms of a given word, query for a word's part of speech, and remove words.
The word is echelon and the first parameter is the part of speech, followed by a List containing definitions and an optional third parameter, which can be a List of synonyms.
Because I'm relying on DbUnit to put the database into a known state before any tests are run, I can assume that the word, pugnacious, is valid with its part of speech set to Adjective.
I'm only interested in the first and third groups (the word and the part of speech).
The key to understanding the distinction between these two words is to know what each one means and to be aware of the role they play in a sentence (that is, their part of speech or word class).
In compounds, the rightmost morpheme determines the part of speech of the word.
We realize the three tasks with two pieces of module: the word segment and part of speech tagging module, the syntax analysis module.
If you don't understand a word or phrase in English, ask yourself what part of speech it is.
The syntactic features of a word include part of speech and its advanced categories, its function in a sentence and its syntactic collocations.
Use another part of speech of the word in bold in the first sentence to fill in the blank in the second sentence.
Add new words and phrases; redefine the part of speech and meaning of a word to further enhance translation result.
The former includes Chinese word segmentation, part-of-speech tagging, pinyin tagging, named entity recognition, new word detection, syntactic parsing, word sense disambiguation, etc .
The former includes Chinese word segmentation, part - of - speech tagging, pinyin tagging, named entity recognition, new word detection, syntactic parsing, word sense disambiguation, etc.
Based on trigram models, this paper proposes a three-step method of "word-similar word-part of speech" by incorporating the similar words and solves the problem of sparse data to a large extent.
I'll read each word twice. Give the spelling, meaning and part of speech of each word.
The task of part of speech identification is to automatically assign a part of speech tag to an unknown word with empty part of speech information.
We analyzed, designed and achieved a module of Chinese word segmentation and Part-Of-Speech Tagging based on Condition Random Fields model.
Which part of speech is this word?
The concordance includes the information of the source of the hits (file name) and some selective comments about part of speech and word meanings.
The concordance includes the information of the source of the hits (file name) and some selective comments about part of speech and word meanings.