She enjoyed her work, which consisted chiefly in running and servicing a powerful but tricky electric motor. She was "not clever", but was fond of using her hands and felt at home with machinery.
More specifically, these companies are requiring different departments — chiefly sales, production and marketing — to share more information and work together on setting sales and production goals.
Continuity of purpose is one of the most essential ingredients of happiness in the long run, and for most men this comes chiefly through their work.
Attacks along the border with Jordan, chiefly the work of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), continued until Black September 1979, when King Hussein forced the PLO out of Jordan.
Work in a Fourth Way school revolves around methods of learning to observe the 'I's and gradually separate consciousness from functions, chiefly through divided attention.
As far as OPC client, this paper chiefly studies the data structure, the found of STA thread and the work of STA.
Being Reference Materials, they are chiefly applied of work standards in instrument calibration, method opinion or arbitration of chemical and environmental analysis.
Varsha, the daughter of a dhobi, or laundry man, wants to be a police officer. But this is no work for a girl. Her father allows her to study chiefly to improve her marriage prospects.
The work consists chiefly of making saddle-trees and shoes.
The involvement of Corel for a time assisted the project, chiefly by employing Julliard and others to work on it.
The chronic renal failure chiefly depends on dialyse or renal transplantation to elongate life at present, but the two ways do not work out a solution really and cost much.
She explains that while her fellow students are chiefly concerned with getting a job or buying an apartment, she frets over how she can excel in her work despite having little experience of the world.
She enjoyed her work, which consisted chiefly in running and servicing a powerful but tricky electric motor.
While the casebook is chiefly a teaching tool for student use, it should not be ignored as a research work as well.
Career His published work is chiefly in article form and is usually concerned with clarifying some particular problem and assessing possible solutions.
Career His published work is chiefly in article form and is usually concerned with clarifying some particular problem and assessing possible solutions.