The user experience is clean and simple, and the reminders by email, phone or SMS work like a charm.
If you do this, then the client code provided in the package for this article (see Resources) should work like a charm.
Comodo Backup also translates as a set-and-forget application, you can set it once and it will work like a charm in the background.
The system used to work like a charm. But these days, I churn out leptin like it's going out of style and his brain doesn't get the message.
Everything works like a charm, unless I was asked to move this database to a place, where multiple people could access this database and work with it.
Work(s) like a charm: When something functions perfectly. (ex: After his friend fixed his computer, it worked like a charmfor the rest of the year.
当某样东西正在完美地运作。 (例如:电脑在被他的朋友修好好,在这一年剩下的时间里都运行得很好。)
Work(s) like a charm: When something functions perfectly. (ex: After his friend fixed his computer, it worked like a charmfor the rest of the year.
当某样东西正在完美地运作。 (例如:电脑在被他的朋友修好好,在这一年剩下的时间里都运行得很好。)