She is doing some voluntary work at an after school program to help students from poor families.
It is long past time to make the program work.
Mr. Roth has three community-college students enrolled in a work-placement program, with a starting wage of $13 an hour that rises to $17 after two years.
Welcome to Workplace, and in today's program we are looking at the results of two recently published surveys, which both deal with the same topic—happiness at work.
Welcome to Workplace. And in today's program, we're looking at the results of two recently published surveys, which both deal with the same topic—happiness at work.
欢迎收听Workplace 节目。在今天的节目中,我们将查看最近发布的两项调查的结果,它们都涉及同一个主题——工作中的幸福感。
Every weekday morning since then, she has left her home to meet nine other old people in a church for a rich program of charity work, trips, games, and—most important of all—friendly companionship.
Every weekday morning since then, she has left her home to meet nine other old people in a church for a rich program of charity work, trips, games and—most important of all—friendly companionship.
The program is sponsored by the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology and many young talented scientists who come from collaborating countries, such as Pakistan, are given opportunities to work in China.
You have sophisticated work flow and want to manage flow from one simple program.
You don't use the program plan to direct work and allocate resources.
Work with the PMO manager and program manager to define what should be included in facilities and define and prioritize facility needs.
The optimized local adapter CICS link server running in CICS reads the XA transaction context and creates a new unit of work to run the specified native language program.
One of the first assignments I give the students in software engineering is to write a simple program, but to work in pairs (i.e., try pair-programming).
Enterprises and managers do not typically assemble a work group to determine that the organization should adopt program management practices.
With that single macro, you can take away a lot of work for any program that has to generate mathematical tables indexed by integer.
For a governance program to work it must reflect the actual environment in which it is being applied, and as always when it comes to management the primary factor is the people involved.
The solution to a program that didn’t work was to allocate donated dollars to a different program — never questioning the value and impact of donating those dollars in the first place.
If you're writing a program that has to work very closely with a program written in a certain language, it might be a good idea to write the new program in the same language.
Since the CLR does not support static locals, the Visual Basic compiler must do additional work to make the program successful.
People who learn to program on a UNIX system quickly become Emacs addicts and customize the program to fit their work style.
If you write a half-dozen programs, each of which sorts lines, you can end up having to fix similar bugs half a dozen times instead of having one better-maintained sort program to work on.
You don't have to be a 14-year veteran programmer to work as a program manager (in fact, with 14 years of programming experience, you might know too much to be a good user advocate.)
When you need more complex logic for an activity than other activities can provide, you can use a snippet activity, which lets you delegate work to a small program that you create.
Both of our development customers hired SDA apprentices to continue the work started in our program.
Most test approaches presume that users are trying to use the program to help them get some work done.
Each program needs to be allocated regions of physical memory to work in.
For the program to work, you need to buy into using other Apple entertainment products.
However, Cirincione and other critics said Iran is simply using these talks to stall for time while it continues to work on its nuclear program, including, possibly, nuclear weapons.
The online format made it easier to work around child care and other responsibilities, and to "pause the program and go back to something any time I needed to," she added.
The online format made it easier to work around child care and other responsibilities, and to "pause the program and go back to something any time I needed to," she added.