The goal of workflow mining is to reverse the process and collect data at runtime to support workflow design and analysis.
The goal of workflow mining is to reverse the process and collect the data at runtime to support workflow design and analysis.
On the basis of a deep study of role based workflow model, a new role-oriented workflow modeling method is proposed by adopting process mining method.
Workflow mining is a technique that reconstructs process model on the basis of workflow log. This method is used to identify roles, so that the role identification can be as objective as possible.
Process mining aims at extracting information from event logs to capture the business process as it is being executed, and it is very convenient to design the Workflow management system.
By extracting information from workflow traces, such as system log data, workflow mining aims to discover the actual behavior of a workflow process.
By extracting information from workflow traces, such as system log data, workflow mining aims to discover the actual behavior of a workflow process.