And, lest we forget, Einstein wrote his most influential papers while working as a clerk.
Working papers have been developed on issues such as programmatic suitability of vaccines, new approaches to testing, and regulatory oversight of vaccines manufactured in multiple sites.
They sign papers and start working on a project. Eventually it turns out that each party heard something completely different.
She came here legally but after she fell ill and had to stop working, her carte de sejour - the papers that allow her to stay and work in France - were revoked.
I would suggest that every editor take a month off and go someplace and read papers and consume media other than his or her own, and really think about what is working and what is not.
After working non-stop for 18 years, the self-claimed workholic received her walking papers in March.
Havingentered the U.S. under dubious circumstances and without working papers, shelived with family members for some time, eking out an income braiding hair andthen working in a bodega in the Bronx.
Yet behind the scenes executives from both papers are talking about working together in some areas, such as distribution, in an effort to slash costs.
Don't over-design this little package! Don't spend hours working on your letterhead and picking special papers for your envelopes and letters.
After all, lawyers and physicians had their trade papers. Why not create one for the working scientist?
Working in a cluttered space is not only distracting, but also makes it difficult to find the papers and other items you need to complete projects.
I am a Karachi based journalist, working with news journals and papers from last 10 years.
Please leave one copy of the CAF with the factory manager and retain one copy with the monitoring program in the working papers.
To save copying costs, I will provide pre-publication working papers in class, and citations are given below.
I don't want to enter into details because we will have it all over the papers that we are working on Frank Lampard - and that is not true.
When you spend a year listening to lectures, reading textbooks, and writing papers, you cannot spend that time working at a job.
They had brought along special testing papers for the project they were working on.
With a laptop, they can get access to the Internet, searching for academic information, learning foreign languages and working on their graduate papers.
Prepare working documents, agendas, proposals, plans, reports, policy papers, presentations, training information and other materials required for meetings and workshops.
Whether working from home or an office, creating the next big startup or pushing papers for a corporation, we all procrastinate.
During the day, as I finish working on papers, I put them in my outbox and then at the end of the day I take those papers and I put them in the inbox of the people who need to see them.
If you 're a teen, bring your working papers.
They're still working through that pile of papers.
This papers introduces the working principle and advantage of a regenerative type heating furnace combustion technology.
Actively participate in a repository or online working papers community offered by other academic institutions (e. g. SSRN).
Audit working papers shall record the names, sources and available time of audit testimonial materials obtained in the course of audit together with the attachment of such materials as appendices.
Audit working papers shall record the names, sources and available time of audit testimonial materials obtained in the course of audit together with the attachment of such materials as appendices.