You'll be able to increase the resolution from the desktop when you get your screen working.
In fact, he is working with six high-resolution cameras, all of which are attached to the roof of the car in which he is being driven.
Digital cameras working at a much higher resolution than analog cameras.
Has an intimate working relationship with the server, providing transparent reference resolution, mapping, and dependency management for the client application?
Name resolution is working for that host if a name was used rather than an IP address.
He came to the meeting and cast a loud aye vote for our resolution, after telling the committee how many Alabama working people, black and white, had been hurt by the new disability rules.
He says the team does now have a data set down to a resolution of 3 angstroms and is working on solving this structure.
The capability of working memory of subjects influenced the time course of verb's implicit causality in pronoun resolution.
As with last time, Google is working with GeoEye to provide high resolution satellite images, which you can download and view using Google Earth.
The topics cover such things as workplace co-operation and dispute resolution, occupational health and safety, working conditions, globalisation and change processes.
国际劳工组织(ILO)利用其国际专长设计并推行这些改良方案。 培训内容包括:工作场所合作及解决纠纷、职业健康与安全、工作条件、全球化以及变化过程。
This paper gives an introduction to the functions, packet format and working theory of the ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) and analyses the security vulnerabilities that exist in the ARP.
Image editor is an pixel art editor designed for working with low-resolution raster art, such as those 8-bit sprites found in old-school video games.
We are actively working on a resolution for this and will provide more information when it is available.
The composition and working principle of newly developed submerged pump was introduced, the resolution of key issues in development of submerged pump was analyzed and discussed.
The lens has a very high theoretical resolution power and it is very convenient to transfer the lens working mode from CTEM to STEM and vice versa.
His teaching of management communication and intercultural communication emphasizes working in teams, conflict and conflict resolution, leadership, and cross-cultural communication.
The working table has a simple structure, high resolution of displacement, and can achieve two-way motion.
The testing was done on the working conditions such as the sample resolution, element wave-length, air-carrier flow, auxiliary air flow, observed altitude, etc.
The author discusses the applied result of 3dimensional high resolution seismic exploration on coal mine's extracting region defining and working area ascertainment in Xinjing No. 2 Coal Mine.
After training has been completed, you will begin working directly with our customers in the analysis, identification, and resolution of their issues.
This year, the two companies have been working on 3D maps and traffic data technology that Mr Kühl said is high-resolution, providing almost real-life pictures of buildings.
The resolution cell extraction method and the wind vector ambiguous solution are presented. The ground and space flight calibrating and scatterometer working characteristics are analyzed.
Although both positively correlated with the resolution of GP ambiguity, neither working memory capacity nor language proficiency correlates significantly wi...
Although both positively correlated with the resolution of GP ambiguity, neither working memory capacity nor language proficiency correlates significantly wi...