Is the out of office agent not working for just one person, or for everyone?
For every person counted in the monthly unemployment tallies, there is another working part-time because of the inability to find full-time work, or else outside the labor force but wanting a job.
I class myself as an ordinary working person.
Ideas about social class—whether a person is "working-class" or "middle-class"—are one area in which changes have been extremely slow.
Though a middle-class person may "want to live like common people", they can never appreciate the reality of a working-class life.
In Group Two, the children were told to ask themselves the same question in the third person—as "Is Sam working hard?"
Either you or the other person may need to continue an activity such as working or shopping.
You can always tell that if it is a person they are working for that might have a few feelings, it is really expressed through their staff.
Recognize that working for this person is "a temporary assignment."
What they mean is that by working hard, a person can learn skills that differentiate him from other people, and earn for himself whatever he desires.
And if you find yourself in this situation more than once, it is a sign that you need to be extra careful when working with this particular person to get things fully understood.
She drove people hard, and lost her temper from time to time, but everybody knew she was brilliant, committed, and the hardest-working person in our campaign.
As soon as there is more than one person working on a project, start reviewing one-another's code.
I think it's critical that you feel you're working for a person who is committed to advancing your career.
You may have been around for a while, but no one wants a jaded, world-weary person working for them.
The execution of the transaction is part of this activity, so the person working on the activity gets immediate feedback on whether or not it succeeded.
In Agile, the team size is pretty small, so if only one person keeps working on the new technology, then the team becomes dependent on him.
Especially in the last hundred years, managers have been conditioned strongly to believe that more than one person working on the same task is inherently inefficient.
Every young person who is working hard with the hope of reaching their goals is in a sense a member of the ant tribe.
You're still the same person fresh out of college working towards an end.
Reij says each rescued hectare brought in annually an extra $70 for every person working the regreened land, a huge boost in a country where per capita income is $185.
She's a good example of a talented, hard-working and successful person who's received an inordinate amount of negative press.
Who among us hasn't seen a helpful, smart, hard-working person get laid off?
If her past is a crystal ball to her future, she will likely always be cheap and poor, even though she is a good, kind, educated, hard-working person.
New code on a product that one person is working on
The organizationalPerson object class represents a specialized type of person who is working in an organization.
The organizationalPerson object class represents a specialized type of person who is working in an organization.