It can measuer maxi phase starting current and maxi working current online.
Millions of American families may now be in the initial stage of their responses to the current crisis, working together and supporting one another through the early months of unemployment.
And ". "signifies my current working directory, the folder that I am currently in.
With .. and ., the sigil for the current working directory, you can refer to files and directories in the file system relative to your current working directory.
PWD is your current working directory, while $OLDPWD is your previous working directory.
$PWD是您的当前工作目录,而 $OLDPWD 是上一次的工作目录。
Borrow time out for my later tasks to continue working on the current one.
You need the Calculator.wsdl file in your current working directory to start.
您需要首先将Calculator . wsdl文件放在您当前的工作目录中。
For instance, if your current working directory is ~/jane/projects/lambda, the shorthand ../..
例如,如果您的当前工作目录为 ~/jane/projects/lambda,那么简写..
You will need the Calculator.wsdl file in your current working directory to start.
您需要首先将Calculator . wsdl文件放在您当前的工作目录中。
This will create a subdirectory called jzos in your current working directory.
这会在当前工作目录中创建一个名为 jzos 的子目录。
Use the prompt variable to keep track of the current working directory.
Use the prompt variable to keep track of the current working directory.