The nearest modern equivalent I can think of to this is the ID card that everybody working in an office now has to wear round their necks to get past the security check.
This column, the last in the current round of development around the Handler Compiler (HC), delivers the first working version of HC.
At the same time the enhanced capacity offers convenient connections to Sri Lanka’s burgeoning expatriate population working in the Middle East and travelling home all year round.
Midnight in the working traffic still tireless worker may be only the taxi driver, a circle and round and waved to the search for the night, hungry people eat vendor.
Emergency workers in Britain are working round the clock to save people trapped by rising floodwaters.
The paper introduces the basic structure of PLC and the working process of AS/RS, discusses how to apply PLC in AS/RS control in order to promoting the all-round automation of warehousing technology.
Now we have quite a number of Italian and British expatriates working the year round in Wuxi.
During the days in Shengzhen, Zhong Lijun went all out, working round the clock.
When bullets started coming through the Windows of the British embassy and a mortar round landed in the garden, one of those working there said they decided to call it a day.
Turn this round by working with the current in your life and you will move faster, with less effort, reaching your goals easily.
The workers are working in three shifts the clock round this week.
The second round of a model AIDS prevention and control of work to start in 2009, the working period of 5 years.
In between the clapboard and working round with whirlpool partition - 2.
In between the clapboard and working round with whirlpool partition - 2.