We are working on a farm these days.
We are working on a farm these days?
We are working on a farm theses days.
They are working on a farm these days.
She likes working on a farm, doesn't she?
I made his acquaintance when I was working on a farm.
He also ran a farm on Staten Island from 1848 to 1855 and spent time working in a New York dry-goods store.
The majority of us had summer jobs. Mine was working on a horse farm, not a horse ranch but a farm.
Mine was working on a horse farm, not a horse ranch but a farm.
Mr. Yang first encountered stories of Jiabiangou’s horrors as a self-described idealistic youth working on a collective farm in the 1960s, and though he was unbelieving at first, they stuck with him.
Police said the children's father had left the two-story home on a working farm in dairy country not far from the state capital, to begin his rounds hauling milk around 10 p.m. Tuesday.
When you grow up on a farm, you start working the day you start walking.
He developed his biodiesel 18 years ago, using knowledge he gained from working on a plantation and fixing farm machinery.
Even after she was freed, Melvinia stayed put, working as a farm laborer on land adjacent to that of Charles Shields, one of Henry's sons.
On the second day after the funeral, Grandpa announced at the breakfast table, "This is a working farm. We have a lot of things to do.
By Gorbachev's time, the farm population had shrunk to a quarter of its former size; only older workers remained, working perfunctorily on state land or tending their private plots.
One billionaire even located his company's headquarters on a working farm so he could receive tax benefits. When I visited his office there were sheep roaming around outside.
One billionaire even located his company's headquarters on a working farm so he could receive tax benefits.
"No till," for those of you who are not up to the minute on farming, is a popular term coined by farm technologists to refer to planting crops without working up a loose, fine seedbed beforehand.
On the second day after the funeral, Grandpa announced at the breakfast table, "This is a working farm. We have a lot of things to do. The rest of you should get back to your own lives.
Palmer is guilty of deception himself. While working on an IMAX film about wolves, the film team found it was too hard to get shots of roaming wolves, so it went to a game farm and rented them.
After a tiring day of working on the farm, they went to bed early.
The students are working on a school farm.
About two weeks later, Dad was working on a friend's farm.
I looked at those two men who'd worked harder than I've ever had – my father eking out a living on that farm, and my grandfather farming and working as a carpenter during the Depression.
I spent the next year and a half living and working on a rural farm in the Irish countryside.
His parents stressed the importance of working hard on the farm. Education and culture were secondary to making a living.
His parents stressed the importance of working hard on the farm. Education and culture were secondary to making a living.